Great ideas for our Greenbrier neighbourhood! Join us!

Great ideas for our Greenbrier neighbourhood! Join us!

We need your help!!
We have some great ideas for our Greenbrier community, but they need your support in order to get off the ground!
Idea #1
Community Waste Stations

Having stations around the community for people to throw out their pet waste and other small items would go a long way to help keep our community clean. We are seeking homeowners who are willing to maintain a small waste station on their property (just a single small waste bucket… nothing large or imposing). We anticipate this to be very low maintenance. We all take our garbage to the curb once a week anyway. It would be just one more bag to tie up and leave by the curb.

We’ll keep you updated on this idea on our website.
Idea #2
Community Garage Sale

Need to get rid of your junk?

We are wondering if anyone would be interested in participating in a community garage sale. Rather than simply doing a garage sale on your own, you would get the benefit of cross-promotion from us and from other garage sales happening that day.

We’ll keep you updated on this idea on our website. If we do this, it will be this summer, but we want to know if there is enough interest to do it at all. The date will be decided based on the availability of those who sign up.
More ways to get involved
Rink Flooder

Come winter time we need volunteers to maintain our community ice rink in Greenbrier Park (assuming COVID-19 restrictions allow us to have one this winter). The time commitment would be maximum once per week to flood the rink with water. Training is provided.

Flyer Runner

You probably received our recent flyer, right? Did you know that because of that flyer several people reponded by donating to our playground fund? You too can help us achieve our playground goal! Help us get the word out by volunteering to be a volunteer flyer runner. The time commitment is only about 1 hour every few months or so whenever we’re doing a flyer run.


Check out our volunteer page on our website for more ways to get involved.


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